As the need of mobile employee attendance app is becoming more essential for businesses nowadays, PT Haluan Rekadaya Konsultindo has recently launched its latest version of ESS (Employee Self Service) RobustApp Mobile application, that can be operated on both Android and iOS platforms, providing features to ensure time and cost efficiency benefits for its users. ESS RobustApp Mobile is part of human resources module and integrated with other modules in RobustApp ERP application. With its slogan “ERP in Your Pocket”, the mobile version is meant to create a compact yet functional ERP application, that can be accessed through mobile phone or tablet anytime and anywhere.

 “We are very proud that HRK team has successfully developed and released ESS RobustApp Mobile 1.5. It shows our commitment to build a great ERP mobile apps that is easy to use, smart, and reliable. Moving forward, this application will keep on evolving, adding new features that offers more added value to its users, and we expect to see more roll outs from RobustApp Mobile product to meet the market’s needs this year. It is part of our efforts as a local player to be at the forefront of the information technology industry in Indonesia,” says Awan Karnadjaya, CEO of PT Haluan Rekadaya Konsultindo.

In addition to its existing features such as geolocation and selfie photo when taking attendance, the new version of ESS RobustApp Mobile offers a simple dashboard that contains various charts like bar chart, pie chart, and line chart — showing the data of user’s attendance, working type, working hour, etc. Users can also search certain menu using search navigator box and add some favorite menu on the homepage for easy access. On top of that, the app also enables users to create, submit and approve leave requests easily and real time.

RobustApp is an Indonesian-made modular-based ERP system, designed to cater the needs of companies from various industry from services, education, logistics, and manufacturing; which can be purchased or implemented as per requirements or as the company grows. RobustApp offers integrated modules, such as finance and accounting, purchasing, sales, stock management, human resources and production.